Project Overview

The EcoWomanist Institute (EWI), founded by Black women, focuses on environmental justice and racial healing for women of color globally.

Our SCADpro collaboration aimed at creating a unified visual identity across their website, social media, and identity materials. We revamped their platforms to expand their reach, boost engagement, amplify their message, and foster safe spaces for women of color.


The existing Home page of the website

The existing footer of the website

The existing Programs section where the top nav is missing

The existing Merch section which opens in a new window on a partner website

The Website

The aim was to create a responsive website that is future proof and avoid singularity. All the pages were interconnected by different CTAs so as to avoid monotony.

The existing Sitemap

The proposed Sitemap to make cross navigation easy

Adding empathy in the content

We added empathy in the copy since we were dealing with such sensitive topics. So we decided to add buttons that were empowering eg. About became Our Story, Podcast became Our Voice, Donate and register were clubbed under Take Action.

The Visual Direction

Typeface used: Jost

Simplified Navigation

The first thing we tackled was creating a simplified nav bar that easily divides the website content in 5 different parts. We minimized the use of drop-down sub-menus to reduce the number to clicks.

Heavy Footer for easy navigation

Secondly, we introduced a heavy footer that houses all the important links and follows the exact same sitemap structure.

Home Page re-designed to increase engagement

Apart from having sections where one can learn more about EWI, there is also a section that tells the visitors about the Upcoming Events to build excitement. Actionable call-to-action buttons and encouraging language has been used throughout to motivate the visitors to become more proactive. To add to that, there is a separate section that tells the visitors, the various ways in which they can get involved.

Detailed Programs page to encourage more attendees and sign-ups

The Programs page is the heart of the website. The main initiative taken by the Institute is creating a welcoming, empowering, and safe space by conducting various programs. The programs are divided as per the 3 Pillars of EWI: Advocacy, Leadership, and SoulCare SelfCare.

A dedicated section for Donations, Merch, Jobs, and other ways to keep the organization running

The Take Action page is another extremely important page on the website. It has important leads on various job and internship opportunities. Additionally, it has a section that holds key information about the different programs offered by EWI along with links that can take the user back to the Programs page. Another important part of the website, i.e. the Donate section is also placed here. We have also proposed to add a photo gallery that shows the visitors how the donation money is used. The last section of the page is the Limited Edition Merch that is another interesting initiative that we have proposed.


The proposed Home page of the website

The proposed footer of the website

The updated Programs section

Addition of a Join Us section to improve reach of the organization

The Social Media Strategy


Existing Social Media Analysis

Most of the posts are text-heavy and information-packed. Similar content is written in the posts and the corresponding captions. The posts on the LinkedIn page are similar to those on Instagram. LinkedIn, however has a personal touch because of the use of candid photos.


Enhanced Social Media Strategy and Brand Consistency for EWI

We proposed a new social media strategy focusing on concise, informative posts and leveraging reels for event and achievement promotion. Additionally, we designed a set of versatile post templates with guidelines for consistent brand language and imagery for EWI.

My role as an Ecowomanist

As Project Manager, I developed the social media strategy, created new website sitemaps, and contributed to the website development.​

Leading a team of 8 designers and a writer, we completed the project in 10 weeks, delivering a fully functional, responsive website and a revamped social media strategy.

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